Debra: You are ahead of your time. And The Times, for that matter. I still fear that young people are far too susceptible to trends to be competent to make such life-changing decisions. Heck, our powers that be (in their very finite wisdom) don’t even authorize the young to consume alcohol or smoke pot (where legalized) until age 21. I’m not sure what the right age for gender determination is, but (a) I suspect it is higher than that the average middle school or high school student, (b) I suspect that one size — age — doesn’t fit all, and (c) I don’t think parents should be shoved aside in these very important matters.

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The disregard for parental rights is an outrage, as you noted Bob.

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Totally agree with you. If you want to go that route, do it as an adult with LOTS of counseling. Gov. Newsom signed into law protecting CHILDREN by transitioning WITHOUT THEIR PARENTS APPROVAL!! I have met a few people who transitioned AS ADULTS and they were law students. One of them I met when they were a "he" who had been a "she" before and then has transitioned back into a "she". I spoke with her over 6 years ago and she was planning to go into the clinical psychology field. That said, she said there were elements of both genders that she liked. I also think there may be something with this gender stuff - my high school "crush" went to college with Bruce Jenner and they knew each other and there was something about Bruce back then and that was 50+ years ago.

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You can go on line to see the actual bill and who voted for it. State Sen. Scott Weiner introduced it and both of my representatives, Buffy Wicks and Nancy Skinner both voted for it. One I will remove from office next election cycle, the other one is being termed out.

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